Dragged down by losses for shares of Dow Inc. and Merck, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is falling Friday afternoon. Shares of Dow Inc. DOW, -3.50% and Merck MRK, -2.91% are contributing to the blue-chip gauge's intraday decline, as the Dow DJIA, -0.58% was most recently trading 261 points, or 0.9%, lower. Dow Inc.'s shares have declined $2.10 (4.2%) while those of Merck are down $2.41, or 2.7%, combining for a roughly 31-point drag on the Dow. Also contributing significantly to the decline are JPMorgan Chase JPM, -2.48%, Walgreens Boots WBA, -2.36%, and UnitedHealth UNH, -2.22%. A $1 move in any one of the 30 components of the benchmark results in a 6.78-point swing.
Editor's Note: This story was auto-generated by Automated Insights using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our market data terms of use.
2020-01-24 19:15:00Z
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