Re: “Gov. Newsom’s Delta water plan is merely ‘Trump lite’” (Editorial,, Nov. 24):

As your Nov. 24 editorial makes clear, our water policy is complicated. It is jointly set by federal, state and local entities and seeks to meet the needs of all water users.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, in championing the Voluntary Agreements, is seeking a generational change in how we manage water. These agreements would involve all water users in a collaborative process that seeks agreement rather than conflict, utilizes the latest science in real time, provides more water for the environment and more water reliability for all users.

The new federal rules dovetail with this process as both utilize real-time management instead of relying on an arbitrary calendar approach that takes years to recognize updated research.

One thing is clear about our current policy: It doesn’t work, and fish continue to decline. We applaud the governor’s effort to take a fresh look at how we manage water. It’s time for a new direction.

Mike Wade
Executive Director
California Farm Water Coalition

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